Winter may be a cold season and we can never predict British weather, but there’s something we always look forward to that guarantees to bring the heat.
That’s right, we’re talking about Drag Con UK baby!
It’s an honour to say that we’ve managed to pull a hat trick (yey sports) and will be slipping on our press shoes to bring you some fabulous and super camp coverage. Expect Pink Carpet commentary (live streamed), social media content and a whole bunch of interviews with drag race legends.
Fancy a previous of our antics from the last two years?
2024 interviews I 2023 interviews
But enough about us, it’s time to be spilling some event tea.
GURL Friends
Let us start by immediately shouting out some incredible queens that are friends of our podcast, cos lawwwwwwd knows we can’t wait to be reunited and show them some love.
Yes, we are going to name drop right now and if you click on the names, it’ll take you straight to the podcast episode with each queen, so enjoy babes.
To fill up some of the the time between now and the event, you can listen to our episodes with Anna Phylactic, Asttina Mandella, Charity Kase, Choriza May, Danny Beard, Divina De Campo, Elektra Fence, Jimbo, Kate Butch, Pixie Polite, Scaredy Kat and Scarlett Bobo in the run up to meeting them all.

Get in loser, were going shopping!
Let’s be honest, as much as Drag Con is an opportunity to meet your favourite drag stars, it’s also a fantastic excuse to treat yourself to a little shopping spree.
We know everyone will have bags full of stunning tees, pin badges, totes, hoodies and all the gorgeous garms from the meet and greets but there’s soooo much more that you can gift yourself with any built up Christmas cash or tips from the bar.
Here are just a handful of options where you’ll be able to make it rain.

You CAN sit with us
With so many fantastic drag legends all in one room, it’s going to be hard to keep track of where they’re all camping out and who’s booth is where right?
Well the fabulous Luca has annotated the official convention map to make life easier for everyone, which quite frankly is iconic behaviour and they deserve their 10s.
Save the map to your phone and then show Luca some love!

Don’t blame it on the edit
If you’re a fan of Raven and the way she gets all the gals to spill tea, how about a live taping of touch-ups?
Six queens will be joining Raven across the weekend to chat shit and bring the drama to the stage, in real time, so there’s no getting away with shady behaviour and then claiming you got a villain edit this time!

Queens to the main stage please
It’s not enough to just see the drag race divas strutting their stuff on the pink carpet or having a meet and greet moment – we need to see them perform darling.
Over the two days we’re going to be treated to many gag-worthy moments, all eyes will be fixated on the stage (between shopping, snacking and precious moments with queens of course).
With an extensive line-up of artists gearing up to show their skills, we just know there’ll be a delightful variety of numbers to enjoy.

Party like it’s 1999
Full day of antics not enough? For those with All Stars tickets (Friday only or Weekend), there’s an incredible treat in store on the Friday evening to keep the party going.
Prepare yourselves for a line up of phenomenal performers who are ready to slay the house down (Versace boots) on stage and serve it up to you.
Seriously, this is not a show you wanna miss, we were absolutely blown away last year and there’s no way these amazing queens aren’t gonna blow the roof off.

Ru Pauls Drag Con UK 2025 will take place at the Excel London on January 10th and 11th, there’s a handy FAQ page if you’ve got any curiosities or questions that we didn’t cover.
There’s not long to go, but if you nip over to the ticket page, you’ve still got time to get involved. Make sure you you also follow their Instagram page for more announcements and updates.
Catch our live stream of the pink carpet, featuring camp commentary via Instagram at 10.30am on Friday 10th of January – don’t miss it.
We of course will be going between the press room and the convention floor, feel free to hit us up if you’d like to meet up for a hug of a selfie, see you there!