Spotlight: Gina Tonic

GURL: First things first, who are you for those who don’t know?

Gina: My name is Gina Tonic. 

GURL: What made you want to start doing drag?

Gina: So, I actually got started out doing drag as an actor. When I studied theatre in college, I was cast in a women’s role in one of the school productions. After I graduated, my first professional acting job was a drag role in a play. It all sort of snowballed from there! 

GURL: Yaaas she’s an actress, not a bad way to start at all.

GURL: Who is your biggest inspiration?

Gina: I’m really inspired by all the classic divas like Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler, Goldie Hawn, just to name a few. A lot of my style inspirations come from past decades like the 50s, 60s, and 70s. I also love the campy work of designers like Jeremy Scott.

GURL: Share a favourite look with us?

Gina: One of my most favourites is this taxi cab dress that I designed and made myself. It’s a long story, but I had a very severe injury around Christmas and couldn’t perform for a month. I used that time to design new outfits, and this was one of them. 

GURL: We’re glad you’ve recovered since, it would be unlawful if the world didn’t get to see this stunning look in person. Yellow looks so good on you!

GURL: What’s your biggest bop right now?

Gina: I’m bopping to Stupid Love by Lada Gaga, and you can check out my cover of it here

GURL: We’ve had trouble getting this out of our heads for ages now, we’ll leave the singing to you and you’re handsome duet partner though – nobody needs to hear us :’)

GURL: If you could perform with anyone at all, who would it be?

Gina: I would love to sing a duet with Harry Styles. 

GURL: You might need to fight off Lizzo right now, but if you do we’re so down for listening to that.

GURL: We’re making a meal that describes your personality, what are we cooking?

Gina: Could the garnish from a gin & tonic make up a meal? 😛

GURL: If you’re a dedicated alcoholic, absolutely! (Count us in)

GURL: Tell us something totally unusual about yourself?

Gina: I was born on a holiday!!

GURL: What is the best drag performance you’ve seen recently?

Gina: A couple weeks ago Maureen SanDiego did a hilarious song parody about being out of toiler paper during the quarantine. 

GURL: This is absolutely hilarious, we lost our shit…..literally :’)

GURL: Finally, which of your fabulous fellow artists should we follow?

Gina: You should absolutely follow Golden Delicious and Gloria Swansong

GURL: Two confirmed babes, get on it!

Make sure you’re following the lovely Gina over on Instagram and showing the love.

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