GURL: First things first; introductions, who the hell are ya? (Just a lil intro for those who may not know)
Ivy A: Hey, I’m Ivy Alexxander! People say that I’m like the “Comic Sans of Drag” but I like to think of myself as the “Wingdings of drag”
GURL: How long have you been performing?
Ivy A: I think it’s just coming up to a year and a half? It’s all blended into one giant whirlwind of wigs, lashes and makeup brushes if I’m totally honest!
GURL: What’s been your favourite performance so far?
Ivy A: Probably my ‘Essex Girl’ performance! It always goes down so well at my cabaret nights at The Gallery Club and Bar in Doncaster (shameless plug of my residency but a gals gotta do what a gals gotta do)
GURL: Get that plug gal!
GURL: Show us one of your most fabulous looks?
Ivy A: I really like fashion drag and grunge drag! I love using block colours as a base and accessorising with bright hair, belts etc so it’d probably be my neon green Parisian ruffle bodysuit moment! It ain’t that fabulous but it’s one of my absolute faves to wear!

GURL: We sense a bit of green theme and we love it! (Shout out to Andy Samberg in the background.)
GURL: Who are your biggest idols?
Ivy A: I’m not even lying, but my mom and dad are my biggest idols! They’re so supportive of everything drag that I do and they’re always at all of my performances! Can’t thank my little roadies enough!
GURL: Tell us something absolutely random about yourself?
Ivy A: I absolutely love showering. It’s literally the highlight of my day.
GURL: A shower is always an enjoyable part of the day tbf!
GURL: Any advice for someone wanting to embrace the art of drag?
Ivy A: GET. INTO. IT. SIS! Don’t put it off thinking that you’re not ready because if you’ve thought about embracing drag culture then you’re ready to start REALLY getting into it!
GURL: One song to be your anthem, go!
Ivy A: Heart To Break by Kim Petras!! For real, it’s such a bop!
GURL: Omg we love a bit of Kim Petras
GURL: If you had to recommend us a fellow fierce entertainer, who should we hit up?
Ivy A: Obviously I can’t recommend a fellow performer without recommending myself first (Instagram)??but I’d definitely recommend Miss Scarlet Hoe Hanson! She’s new to the scene, but she’s such a lovely soul!
GURL: All about that self promo and Scarlet is absolutely our gal – give her a follow here!
GURL: Finally, what’s your fave design from our collection?
Ivy A: I adore the ‘icon’ design! Anything minimal but recognisable is my fave kind of design!
GURL: Happy to hear you’re a fan, we had to have a staple!
Get yourselves over to Ivy’s insta and give the bish a follow.