Let’s skip the small talk shall we? We’ve already given you the tea on the upcoming Carnival Of Filth coming to take over the UK with a bunch of delightful drag debauchery.
Well today we’re here to give you an insight into some of the twisted minds performing alongside the Dragula legends that are Dahli and Evah Destruction.
As we’re based up in the North East of England, if felt fitting to put the spotlight on the wonderful local demons that you’ll see supporting our main acts at the Newcastle gig. We also got the amazing host involved of course, it’d simply be rude not to.
We asked everyone the same questions in an act of equality, but in an act of mildly chaotic journalism we’re only gonna post our favourite answers from each artist and without any context, enjoy!
Arya Quinn
Pronouns: She/They I Role: Support Performer I Instagram: Arya.Quinn

“I’m most excited about getting to pull out one of my spooky looks, being from a small town I don’t get to do creepy often.”
“My performance and look for the show will be a look iv done in the past but never did a fully realised version or drag number for it. It’s gonna be very bright and in your face with a twisted edge.”
“The craziest thing iv done for a number so far could be ripping fake skin off my face or being a twisted barbie doll and biting a dolls head off.”
“For anyone just staring out in drag don’t compare yourself to overs, don’t be afraid to ask for help and advice and practice, practice, practice!”
Elizabeth Crawford
Pronouns: She/They I Role: Support Performer I Instagram: TheElizabethCrawford
“Nobody said anything about having to wear clothes??? “
“I’ve always had a vision of being suspended in the air upside down like a bat. I’m also super into shibari and fetish visuals so something suspended in the air dangerous and risky would be so good.”
“I did a Taylor Swift number once.. I was crazy back then. “
“I don’t condone violence I only condone first degree murder. Thank you “

King Confuza
Pronouns: They/Them I Role: Host I Instagram: KingConfuza

“I’m your host with the most teeth for three of the shows, your friendly neighbourhood cryptid and emotional support chaos demon here to guide you through the Carnival of Filth.”
“I’m bringing some of my most iconic looks to slay the stage, among them some of my favourites including my Tooth Fairy, and a more recent concept based on The Shining.”
“Jizzing on some of the VIP’s at Darkhaus the other month was a lot of fun”
“I’m a huge horror nerd, I love 80’s horror movies, old school practical effects, cosplaying at horror conventions, and working on indie horror projects.”
Mea T Cleaver
Pronouns: She/Her I Role: Support Performer I Instagram: Mea_T_Cleaver

“Alt crowds and queer crowds are great to perform for but when the two groups intersect it’s electric.”
“Meaty, bloody and served raw.”
“I would like to be burned at the stake by a mob of angry puritans….All of the pyrotechnics”
“Find a space that celebrates all forms of drag and don’t worry about being perfect! It doesn’t exist.”
“Dahli could probably throw a good punch but Evah looks like a biter…So Evah”
Pronouns: She/Her I Role: Support Performer I Instagram: Sally.Trademark
“I love watching drag, but I also love watching drag that has no limits. The Dragula formula has really allowed artists to be so expressive and creative, so to be a part of that but also to be able to witness home grown talent do that along internationally acclaimed icons’ll be so fucking cool.”
“PLEASE stop buying overpriced ready to wear shit,out of necessity to not learn. Go to your charity shops. Look at how garments are made in Primark, go to fabric shops and look at fabrics you like. Learn the patience to learn how to sew, style wigs and even make your own pads, before moving onto disposing income on things already made for you.”
“Carol Vorderman”

Sweet Boy
Pronouns: They/Them I Role: Support Performer I Instagram: SuchASweetBoy

“Clowny, obviously. I’m going to be creepy and fun and maybe a lil bit sexy.”
“Ummmm… murdered one of the hosts of Gurl Global live on stage? True story, except the murder wasn’t real. I promise! I did also eat a used dirty condom out of my arse.”
“Do what you wanna do, not what you think a drag artist should do. Think about what would make your jaw drop if you saw it in person, and do that!”
“Charity shops, weed and food. I don’t need anything else.”
Take me to the Carnival!
It’s not long now til the clowns are in town, are you coming to join the fun?
Catch Dahli, Evah and so many incredible locally sourced support acts in every city by snatching tickets right here and buckle up for a truly wild ride!
Follow Alt Space Events on Facebook on Instagram for more